Tuesday 30 October 2007


Over the weekend i had to put my other work on hold as we needed to colour in the storyboard images. I knew this would take a long time so John decided to help me out. I finished the colouring Monday night, it took a long time as there were 87 drawings to colour! i tryed to keep the colouring as simple as posible to make it quicker to do although it still took too long.

Today i am getting back to doing the interior concept and the colour studies as these are an important part of the preproduction which means that when i am happy with the design and colour, John can start to model the interiors.

Friday 26 October 2007

More Concept...

So far this week i have started to design some crows which we will need for the graveyard. we wanted them to look evil and menacing and slightly deformed looking to add to the atmosphere of the dark first scene.
I had another go at producing a moodboard for the film by collecting images which relate with our film. I am still not completly happy with it as it doesnt give enough idea of the colours i want to use.
As a group we have decided that i should be the art directior so i have decided that i should have more input on the concept art for the enviroments. This is something i will have to fit into my schedual.
At the beggining of this week I collected as many images as i could find to help design the interiors such as sofas, plants and furnature. i colated these into one image to help john as reference when he is moddeling the house. I also did a college for all our film influences.
I have also had to decide on the topics for my two essays this week so that means less time to work on the film. I am a little worried how my schedual is working out because i am fimnding myself not sticking to it all that much. I will have to work on it more so i will have to do what is on the schedual.

Monday 22 October 2007


This week to help me work out just how much animation needs to be done and who will be doing what, i have used james's thumbnails to make a list of what each character will be doing and also the enviromental animation and effects.
I also had to do some character designs for Jonno's film. I sketched out a few posible ideas for a character based on a south american animal the Kinkajou.Ii attemped to do a mood board this week using the images i had collected for the interior of the old peoples home and also selecting the sorts of colours i want to use in the film. I was not really pleased with the way this looked and i thought it was not very useful to our production. so i decided to leave it until i had more pictures and more of an idea of the concept of the home.
This week i also made a scedual for my work whick i plan to stick to. This took a suprising amount of time to make and took up a whole evening.Ii have felt i have done alot of planing this week which i hope pays off. I just need to produce more concept work now so we know we can start modeling and creating characters.

Monday 15 October 2007

character design

This week i started doing some character designs for the cat in the grim reaper film. the film is a comedy about the grim reaper going about his daily buissines. one day grim has to visit an olds peoples home, just as he checks his death list for the day on his new PDA, it breaks and grim is forced to improvise. after many failed attempts at bringing death to the old people who seem be immune to death, grim gets frustrated. he walks out of the retirement home and accidently kills the Jahovas whitness walking down the path towards the home.
The cat i am designing lives in the retirement home and is spooked by the death coming to the home. To help my designing i researched both photos and existing designs of cats. after designing the cat i began to do some facial expressions for him.

Tuesday 9 October 2007


My first week into this term and i have decided on which films i am going to work on. As i want to focus on animation i want to help out the animation for a couple of films.
i decided on Friday that i would work with James on his idea full time and mainly help with the concept work and animating. i have also commited to working on Jonno's film about explorers in the Aztec. I am going to be doing the concept for the animal characters in this film and also helping out on any animation they will need doing. i have also said to Ash that i could do some animating on his film if he needs any help although only if i have any time. In the end i was pleased that my film idea was not picked, i was not sure how my idea would work out as an
animation, it was too long. as for my pitching skills i was really nervous talking in front of a big group i was quite frustrated.
this weekend i have begun to do the character designs for a cat in james grim reaper film. i have collected lots of reference images for the creaures i am designing including a crow, i have also collected images of possible animals i could design for the aztec temple film.